The Mystical Vale of Avalon

Vale of Avalon

Mendip from Wookey

Mendip from Wookey

I IIt's like summer again today, looking towards Mendip from Wookey.

Nikon D200 AF Nikkor 35-80mm


Deerleap near Sunset

Deerleap near Sunset

A AAs the sun sets behind the distant Quantock Hills, a golden glow suffuses the mists over the Vale of Avalon, and gently illuminates the southern flank of Mendip.

Nikon D200 AF Nikkor 35-80mm


Moonrise at Glastonbury Tor

Moonrise at Glastonbury Tor

S SStand in the right place in Fairfield, and the full moon rises next to the tower on top of Glastonbury Tor.

Nikon D200 AF Nikkor 35-80mm


Storm Clouds at Glastonbury Tor

Storm Clouds at Glastonbury Tor

A AAs storm clouds hover over Glastonbury Tor, the sun finds a break in the cloud cover to illuminate the tower for an instant.

Nikon D200 AF Nikkor 35-80mm


Yarley Tree

Yarley Tree

U UUp on Yarley Hill, the April sun silhouettes a lone ash tree, and the cattle grazing around it.

Nikon D200 AF Nikkor 35-80mm


Wicker Sculpture

Wicker Sculpture

Y YYou meet all sorts of interesting characters in the Vale of Avalon, but I wasn't expecting to meet this fellow in Ebbor Gorge!

Nikon D200 AF Nikkor 35-80mm


Deerleap Sunset

Deerleap Sunset

I II never tire of walking the southern flank of Mendip looking out over the Vale of Avalon as the sun sets. Even if there isn't a spectacular sunset, the tranquility and beauty of this place always touches the spirit.

Nikon D200 AF Nikkor 35-80mm


The Division Rhyne at Godney

The Division Rhyne at Godney

O OOn a clear March morning, a beautiful blue sky is reflected in the Division Rhyne at Godney.

Nikon D200 AF Nikkor 35-80mm


The Sunset Tree

The Sunset Tree

A AAs the sun prepares to set behind the Quantock Hills, the light softly filters through the bare branches of this tree at the top of Mendip.

Nikon D200 AF Nikkor 35-80mm


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