Photographs of the Natural World


The Cornflower

The Cornflower

A AA cornflower photographed on Callow Hill, Somerset.

Nikon D200 AF Nikkor 35-80mm


Red Admiral

Red Admiral

A AARed Admiral butterfly pauses for a moment to take in a little of the last of the October sun.

Nikon D200 AF Nikkor 35-80mm


Ebbor Fungi

Ebbor Fungi

A AAt the top of Ebbor Gorge, I found these fungi on the side of an old tree stump.

Nikon D200 AF Nikkor 35-80mm


Forget Me Not

Forget Me Not

S SSome forget-me-nots from the garden.

Olympus C1400L


Pony and Pond

Pony and Pond

A AANew Forest pony forages at the waterside near Beaulieu, New Forest.

Olympus C1400L


Rose Hips

Rose Hips

S SSome rose hips on Callow Hill, Somerset.

Nikon D200 AF Nikkor 35-80mm


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